Waldmann Licht - Orgatec 2016 Plant in zicht werkt prestatieverhogend Previous Article Regel uw eigen klimaat met de Kloeber Klimaatstoel Next Article NATURAL LIGHT FOR HUMAN NEEDS At this year's ORGATEC, we focused on people and their needs. Our core theme "NATURAL LIGHT FOR HUMAN NEEDS" attracted many visitors. As one of the pioneers for biodynamic lighting solutions, we provided information on various lighting solutions for a natural lighting experience in office. Biodynamic lighting – also known as Human Centric Lighting – imitates the natural daylight and its changes, thus promoting a feeling of increased well-being and productivity at the workplace. maandag 14 november 2016 / Author: Robin Witteveen / Number of views: 415888 / Comments: 0 / Print Categories:Ergonomie Tags:licht Orgatec2016 Waldmann PULSE VTL IDOO Lavigo Pulse net Para.Mi More links Waldmann Orgatec 2016 Waldmann Virtual trade fair booth at ORGATEC 2016 Waldmann Licht (Witteveen site: ergonomics.nl)